
Monday, February 4, 2013

February Birth Month Flower is Violet


Botanical Name : Saintpaulia ionantha and S. spp.
Common Name : African Violet
Product Use : Flowering Plant
Pronunciation : saint-PAUL-li-uh eye-o-NAN-tha
Family Roots : One of the more famous members of the Gesneriaceae (gesneria family).

Native to coastal Tanzania.

Three relatives are cape-primrose, Episcia and gloxinia.
Availability : Year-round.
Flower Color : Many including white, pink, blue, purple, bicolors.
Decorative Life : Months to years, depending on use.
Ethylene Sensitivity : Medium
Ethylene Comments : While researchers have documented the beneficial effects of spraying STS on potted and bedding plants (including this species) to prevent or reduce ethylene-induced disorders, labels for registered STS products only give directions for uptake solutions, not sprays. Therefore, Chain of Life Network cannot recommend STS as a spray until it is properly registered for this application method. Only MCP is presently registered for this application method.
Post Harvest
Care Opportunities :
Irrigate with warm or room temperature water. Cold water coming in contact with leaves can damage leaf cells and leave spots. Irrigating from the bottom is another way to avoid this problem.

If interior environments are proper, plants can flower throughout the year. However, if placed in 150 ft-c or less of light, plants typically stop flowering after about one month due to a lack of carbohydrate (food) production.
Storage Specifics : Chill sensitive, store above 55F.
Preharvest &
Harvest Factors:
Growing plants using 150 ppm nitrogen produced longer lasting plants after harvest than those grown using 200-300 ppm. There are literally thousands of cultivars, many of which respond very differently to interior environments. Therefore, cultivar selection is very important in determining postharvest performance. Plants grown under high relative humidity (90-95%) produced more dry weight than when grown under lower humidity (55-60%).
Tidbits : The specific epithet name ionantha means purpled-flowered.

Saintpaulia: named after the discoverer of the plant, Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire, 1860-1910.

This is likely the most popular of all flowering house plants because it generally flowers year-round.

Seems to thrive on neglect under interior conditions. Often grown under artificial lights. Easy to reproduce by cuttings. Will generally do well in light levels bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort.

Sunny window in winter and filtered light in summer. Too much sun can burn the foliage while too little light will cause the leaf stems (petioles) to elongate and flowering will decrease.
Violet is the Birth Month Flower for February
See More Birth Month Flowers: