
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lily is May Birth Month Flower

Lily of the Valley
Botanical Name : Convallaria majalis
Common Name : Lily of the Valley
Product Use : Cut Flower
Pronunciation : kon-va-LAH-ree-a mah-JA-lis
Family Roots : Member of the Liliaceae (lily) family.

Native to Europe.

Related species include lily, tulip, asparagus, daylily.
Personality : Nodding, bell-shaped flowers occur in loose, one-sided clusters at stem ends.

Stems 8-10 inches long, bearing 6-8 clusters of flowers.

Plant is a herbaceous perennial from a rhizome, classed as a monocotyledon, leaves mostly parallel veined.

Flower fragrance is sweet, mild.
Availability : Mainly spring but some year-round.
Flower Color : White, pink.
Decorative Life : 3-6 days.
Ethylene Sensitivity : More research needed
Ethylene Comments : Likely to be ethylene sensitivity but unknown at this time. To be safe, treat with an anti-ethylene product.
Post Harvest
Care Opportunities :
Recut stems under water and place into a fresh flower food solution.

Flowers tend to wilt quickly if exposed to heat or poor air circulation, green buds may not open.
Storage Specifics : 30-32F for 2-3 weeks if rhizomes still are attached, store cut stems at 32-34F in water or dry for up to 5 days. At 36-40F, unopened flowers turned yellow, pathogen growth increased and vaselife decreased.
Tidbits : From the Latin "convallis" (a valley), referring to where the plant is found. The specific epithet name majalis means May, in reference to when it flowers.

Flowers are used in the perfume industry, rhizomes have medicinal properties.

With over 3000 species, the lily family includes many medicinal and food species in addition to ornamental species.

Some references suggest placing stems on ice to revive if limp.

Single and double flower forms are available.

See More Birth Month Flowers:

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